lunes, 20 de noviembre de 2017

2nd term Challenges

  1. Write the measurements the Christmas decoration should have and what is the deadline. List five of the materials you can use when building it.
  2. About the Bethlehem scene, define what is the target asked. How many days are left for the submission?
  3. What should be the main idea of the script in the stop motion? Describe the conditions.
  4. Is it necessary to practice with Goodtyping lessons in the keyboard challenge before verifing it with Z-Type? What are the Wave and Accuracy required?
  5. Write one of the proposals and it details related with Technology, Programming and Robotics in the extracurricular challenge.

domingo, 19 de noviembre de 2017

Master Tech

¡Jeremiah Johnson needs your help!

1st Practice: The training.

Build a cube 

Use spaghetti split in two and marshmallows to build a cube. Is it stable?
Place spaghetti as diagonals on the sides of the cube, do you find it more stable now? 

Build a pyramid 

Make a square with spaghetti split in two and marshmallows. Add four halves to build a pyramid, as in the picture. Would you say that this structure is stable?
Experiment with other constructions.

2nd Practice: The tower. 

Build a tower of at least 40 cm high bearing in mind the following conditions:
  • Must not collapse, meaning i must be strong. Your structure will withstand the weight of a playmobil on the top.
  • Must not topple over, meaning it must be stable. You will achieve stability building the base wider than the top.
  • Must not be too pliable, meaning it must be rigid. Think about triangulated sructures.

Practice 3. The bridge.

Design and build a bridge that connects two blocks of books forty centimeters apart.
The platform of the bridge will be a strip of recycled paper about 10 cm wide.
The bridge will be able to hold the weight of a playmobil without been broken.

Practice 4: The house.

Build the structure of a house  with a rectangular plant of 35x25 cm. 
It will have a gabled roof (tejado a dos aguas) made out two pieces of recicled paper.
Remember that you have to design it before you build it.

Practice 5: The suspension bridge. 

Build the structure of a suspension bridge by adding the use of thread to your regular materials. 
The bridge should have a span of 60 cm, connecting two blocks of books or two tables. 
In the first session of workshop you must present your sketches to your group members and reach to an agreement for a common solution. Each member of the group must draw the plans of the bridge that you are going to build. 
In the second session you will perform the bridge among all. Keep in mind that it is very important to work coordinated and distribute tasks to finish with succeed.

La organización asegura que durante el desarrollo de estas prácticas ningún muñeco ha sufrido daños ;) Además se ha reciclado todo el material sobrante (que no era poco).

Muchas gracias chicos, pero tenéis que intentar no gastar tanto material.

¡¡¡En cualquier caso lo hemos reciclado en huevos!!!

lunes, 13 de noviembre de 2017

2nd Term Discoveries

  1. Who is Norman Foster?
  2. Is it possible to visit de exposición about Norman Foster in a guided tour?
  3. Where is Centro Cultural Conde Duque? Can you write the name of famous place close to it?
  4. About the schedule of Real Fábrica de Tapices, is it opened on weekends?
  5. Describe an object related to Mars exposition. Where is it? How much does the ticket cost?
  6. When is the last day to submit the report?
  7. Search for the best way to go from Collado Villalba station to the National Libary by  public transport and write it in your notebook.
  8. Are you planning to discover one of the proposed places? If so, write the day you are going to do it in your agenda.

miércoles, 18 de octubre de 2017


Read about Class Sessions and answer:

  1. Why is it important to take notes at the beggining of the class?
  2. Is it compulsory to take notes in the explanation time?
  3. Why do you think it is necessary to keep silence in this part of the class?
  4. What would happen if other pupils come late and interrupt the explanation?
  5. Write some tips about how to work in groups in the second part of the class.
  6. If you work concentrated in class, would you need to do homework after all?
  7. Does the teacher correct the task every day? Explain the different ways of correction.

Read about How to take notes and answer:
  1. Why it is so important to organize correctly your notes? Explain at least three reasons.
  2. Describe the recommended form in the text. 
  3. Draw a brief sketch of the folder.
  4. Explain how to archive your notes at home.

domingo, 8 de octubre de 2017

Challenges, Discover your Enviroment, Technology and Society

See "La Clase de Marcos" and answer in your notebook the following questions about this astonishing and weird activities.

  1. About Challenges, what are the first proposals?
  2. Are the Challenges compulsory?
  3. Write the last day to submit de Memory Document for
    1. Halloween makeup workshop
    1. Scale Models
  4. What is a Memory Document? Explain its parts.
  5. Explain in your own words the keyboarding challenge.
  6. What does Discover your Environment consist of?
  7. Write the first term proposals of the activity Discover your Environment
  8. Where is each one?
  9. Are they open on Monday?
  10. Explain the main concepts about the activity Tecnology and Society.

Meet Spot